Welcome to Madhavi Kreeti, our new Visiting International PhD Student!

We are excited to welcome Madhavi Kreeti to our research group.

Madhavi Kreeti is a PhD scholar at the Centre for Environment, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, working under the joint supervision of Prof. Anamika Barua and Prof. C. Mallikarjuna. She will undertake part of her PhD thesis in a collaborative effort between UBC and IIT Guwahati at IERG, under the supervision of Prof. Taraneh Sowlati, during her one-year visit to UBC. Her PhD thesis focuses on “Modelling and Forecasting GHG Emissions in the Indian Road Transportation Sector”.

We look forward to her contribution that will strengthen the collaboration between IERG research group and Centre for Environment at Indian Institute of Technology.

Welcome Madhavi!