Dr. Taraneh Sowlati was runner-up for the Killam Teaching Prize

Dr. Taraneh Sowlati was nominated by students for the Killam Teaching Prize in the Faculty of Forestry for the 2011-12 session, and became the runner-up.

Read following for more detail about the news, sent on behalf of Associate Dean Peter Marshall:

I am pleased to announce that the 2011/12 winner of the Killam Teaching Prize in Forestry is Dr. Suzie Lavallee!.
There were nine individuals nominated by students for the Killam Teaching Prize in Forestry for the 2011/12 session. I think this speaks very well of the excellent quality of the teaching in this Faculty and I wish to congratulate all of the nominees:

•Peter Arcese
•Allan Carroll
•Phil Evans
•Rob Guy
•Suzie Lavallee
•Mike Meitner
•Steve Mitchell
•Greg Smith
•Taraneh Sowlati

Dr. Taraneh Sowlati was runner-up and will automatically be considered in the 2013/14 session, when the Faculty of Forestry next has the opportunity to award a Killam Teaching Prize.
The nominees were assessed by the Forestry Killam Teaching Prize Committee (Drs. Simon Ellis – Chair, Sally Aitken, and Suzanne Simard). They considered class room visits, teaching evaluations and comments from students, statements of teaching philosophy and other supporting materials from the nominees, as well as interviews with each eligible nominee in reaching their decisions. I wish to personally thank the Teaching Prize Committee for doing a very thorough job in the face of quite tight time constraints.