
Euro/INFORMS 2013 sessions organization and presentation

Euro/INFORMS 2013 sessions organization and presentation

Dr. Magnus Froehling and Dr.Taraneh Sowlati organized 5 sessions on “Biomass-based Supply Chains” under Energy/ Environment and Climate stream at EURO/INFORMS joint conference which was held July 1-4, 2013 in Rome, Italy. The organized sessions included presentation by researchers and students from Europe and North America. Mehdi Mobini and Dr. Sowlati had presentations during the […]

Congrats to Nazanin

Congrats to Nazanin

Nazanin Shabani, the fourth year PhD student in the Industrial Engineering Research Group, was awarded Mary and David Macaree Fellowship in July 2013.

Congrats to Mehdi for his scholarship

Congrats to Mehdi for his scholarship

Mehdi Piltan, the second year PhD student in the Industrial Engineering Research Group, received the Paul Heller Fellowship in July 2013. He was also the finalist of Graduate Global Leadership Fellowship from the Faculty of Forestry in UBC-campus wide competition.

Congratulations to Diana Siller for her  scholarships

Congratulations to Diana Siller for her scholarships

Diana Siller was awarded the Conacyt (The Mexican National Council of Science and Technology) and UBC Faculty of Forestry Entrance scholarships for her MSc study in the Industrial Engineering Research Group at UBC. She graduated in May 2010 from Universidad de Monterrey (University of Monterrey in Mexico) with an undergraduate degree in industrial and systems […]

CORS 2013 Conference

CORS 2013 Conference

The 55th Annual conference of the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) was held successfully in Hyatt Regency hotel in Vancouver from May 27 to 29, 2013.  The conference was intended to provide a forum to present and discuss latest research on Operations Research. The conference included 220 presentations, 1 tutorial and 5 plenary sessions. More […]

FIBER Conference and VCO Summer School participation and presentation

Claudia Cambero and Mehdi Piltan presented their research in the first FIBRE Network conference on May 14, 2013 in Cornwall, Ontario and at the VCO summer school on May 17, 2013 Montreal, Quebec. Their research projects are funded by the NSERC Strategic Research Network on Value Chain Optimization (VCO). Claudia’s poster was the winner of […]

Congratulations to Shaghaygh Akhtari for her Entrance Scholarship

Congratulations to Shaghaygh Akhtari for her Entrance Scholarship

  Shaghaygh Akhtari was awarded a UBC Faculty of Forestry Entrance Scholarship. She is joining the Industrial Engineering Research Group (IERG) to pursue her PhD as of September 2013. Shaghaygh graduated from IERG in November 2012 and her thesis (under the supervision of Dr. Taraneh Sowlati) received honorable mention in the Faculty of Forestry at […]

VCO Information Sharing Workshop – UBC/Lakehead University – April 16, 2013

The VCO Information Sharing Workshop on forest biomass supply chain modeling and optimization was held to increase the collaboration among research groups at UBC and Lakehead University. Graduate students from these two universities presented their research projects and areas for information sharing and collaboration were discussed.

Industrial Engineering Research Group Workshop – April 2, 2013

Industrial Engineering Research Group (IERG) hosted a half a day workshop for researchers and team leaders from FPInnovations.  Current and new projects at IERG and FPInnovations were presented and potential collaborations were discussed during the workshop.

Shaghaygh Akhtari’s thesis was awarded honorable mention in 2012

Shaghaygh Akhtari’s thesis was awarded honorable mention in 2012

Shaghaygh Akhtari’s thesis (under supervision of Dr. Sowlati) received honorable mention in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC in 2012. Her thesis entitled “Economic assessment and optimization of forest biomass supply chain for heat generation in a district heating system” was among the three best Master’s theses in the Faculty.